
Privacy Policy

Personal Information

In order to use WavyTrades services, we require your personal information, specifically your email address. Rest assured that WavyTrades will not share your email or any personal information with any third party without your explicit consent.


WavyTrades does not engage in the purchase, rental, or sale of email addresses. Every email we send includes unsubscribe links, allowing users to easily and instantly remove themselves from our subscription lists. WavyTrades fully complies with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2009.


If you no longer wish to receive any WavyTrades publications, you can opt-out by clicking the unsubscribe link in the email or by sending an email to unsubscribe. If you have any questions or encounter any issues with unsubscribing, please contact our subscriptions team via email.

Log Files

To analyze trends, administer the site, track user movements, and gather general demographic information, WavyTrades utilizes IP addresses and email addresses. These details are used in an aggregate manner and do not personally identify individuals.


WavyTrades does not share user profiles with our partners or advertisers.


The WavyTrades mailers and websites may contain links to other websites. Please note that our privacy practices only apply to information collected directly by WavyTrades, and we are not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites.


WavyTrades takes extensive measures to safeguard user information. All user-related data is restricted within our offices, and access to personally identifiable information is granted only to employees who require it for their specific job functions. Our employees are regularly educated on our security and privacy practices to maintain the highest standards.

Notification of Changes

WavyTrades reserves the right to change, modify, or revise these terms and conditions at any time, at our sole discretion. Such changes and modifications take effect immediately upon posting. We encourage you to review the terms and conditions periodically. By continuing to use any WavyTrades publication after changes or modifications have been posted, you accept and agree to the updated terms and conditions.

Legal Disclaimer

WavyTrades may disclose personal information if required by law or if we believe in good faith that such action is necessary to (a) comply with legal processes or conform to legal requirements; (b) protect and defend our rights, property, or the rights and property of our users; or (c) act immediately to ensure the personal safety of our users or the general public.